Have you been playing BailongBall for some time and would like to pass on your knowledge? Maybe you already have the Junior Trainer certification or maybe you just want to know how you can continuously develop yourself? Would you like to train others to become Junior Trainers? Then this series of posts is for you. In dedicated parts, we will introduce you to the elements that characterize the Senior Trainer’s skills. You will see how interesting and colorful such a curriculum is and the training program options you have.
This can be yours
Go for the Senior Trainer certification
Before you can get started, you need to be certified as a Junior Trainer. This 3-part blog post will give you an insight. The curriculum shows you all the details in an overview, including Senior Trainer and Instructor.
2 training paths lead you to your goal
You will be trained individually or in a group by a senior trainer / instructor as part of a scheduled training program (on site and in some parts optionally online) and tested in predefined disciplines and content.
Program Details
- 45 training hours covering
- Basic training
- Art techniques
- Art Choreo
- Art Freestyle
- Game Techniques
- Competition rules
- 5 training hours on
- Theoretical basics
- Basic knowledge
- Preparation / practicing of trainings
You practise continuously for 2 years, gain credits through teaching experience and publications of BailongBall content, can choose your training focus and are tested in predefined disciplines and content.
Program Details
- 16 training hours (attendance)
- 30 self led training hours in 2 years
- 30 BailongBall contributions (blog posts / stories / texts / pictures / videos, advertising)
24 hours / publications: free combination of attendance training hours / independently led training hours / contributions
Exam details
- Demonstration Art Choreo: either Standardform 1 or a self-created Choreo, communicated in detail beforehand
- Demonstration 3 minutes Art Freestyle
- Demonstration of all game techniques
In the upcoming articles in this series, we will give you details on Game techniques, provide Art Choreo suggestions and show you respective techniques that you can use and combine in your Art performance.