Discours on the BailongBall Racket Sheet

As a BailongBall trainer of Chinese origin, I closely follow developments in my sport’s home country. Recently, a heated discussion about the equipment has flared up among the players in the social media channels. One proponent of the “back to the roots” initiative is Mr. Cao, who has been an officially certified instructor and referee since the birth of our sport. He advocates a solid basic technique and gives online lessons free of charge. More information about the lessons and activities of Mr. Cao Shu can be found on his Wechat account “gh_c82cddec20f5”.

I would like to provide you his current thoughts on equipment, translated as well as in orginal Chinese:

Currently, manufacturers attach great importance to the fact that the racket sheet (its blade / playing surface) should be as soft and thin as possible. The ball also receives some attention. Because if the ball is small and heavy, it will not fall off the racquet so easily.

At the very beginning of our sport, the old racket model came with a hard sheet. During the execution of the circular movements, one was forced to generate a centrifugal force to keep the ball on the racket. Nowadays, however, we use the “big soft sheet” and a small heavy ball that does not fall down even when standing. Therefore, the question arises: does BailongBall still require the centrifugal force?

After all the basic idea of BailongBall is to create a centrifugal force through the movements to keep the ball on the racket. That is why movements are standardized – e.g. arms controlled from the lumbar, force redirected into a circle, opening and closing movements coming in pairs, etc.

The new “big soft sheet” does solve the problem that the ball no longer falls so easily. But the whole thing should not be exaggerated. If the ball doesn’t fall down anymore with a vertical racket, because the frame holds the ball, then you don’t need centrifugal force to play BailongBall anymore. The constant turning of the racket is sufficient. The conscious control over the body takes a backseat, making room for almost arbitrary movements. This raises the question what typical BailongBall body movements should look like?

The “big soft sheet” combined with a small heavy ball throws the original theory of BailongBall out of the window and questions the technical level of the sport. If all that counts for the success of BailongBall is to appeal to a broad segment of  the population, being satisfied just by keeping the ball on the racket, how can our sport develop? By means of street acrobatics?

Considerations should, therefore, be given to the sheet. Due to the constant technical development, some movements with a high degree of difficulty have been invented. It is acceptable for the sheet to have become correspondingly softer. The sports federation has now stipulated that the sheet must not sag more than 3.5 cm when the ball is resting on it.

This is fine. But the technical department should set the standard for the sheet and its hardness. Ball weight should remain constant at 54 g, even when reducing the diameter from 6.7 cm to 6.4 cm.

But most of the balls have a diameter smaller than 6 cm. In terms of weight, this is above the standard. Even if the balls kept the old weight of 54 g, the degree of curvature of the sheet increases due to the reduced ball volume. This means that the ball exerts greater pressure on the sheet and no longer falls off as easily. However, this also makes it more difficult to release the ball.

Whether or not all racket manufacturers follow this guideline depends on how strict competition officials are about enforcing matters. In the past, for example, we also practiced movements with a high degree of difficulty using a surface with 36 or 40 holes. This lowers skill requirements as compared to performing the same movements with a different, more demanding sheet. In short, with the old model the technical demand is higher than with the “big soft sheet”. Therefore, the technical department should set and strictly enforce the standard for rackets and balls at the competition. What is the standard? Is there already a clear definition? If not, how can the referees be guided by standard specifications?

Cao Shu, officially approved instructor and referee for BailongBall

We should practice with the standard racket in everyday life. Participants in competitions should also use rackets in accordance with the same standard. If necessary, officials should provide standardized rackets and balls for competitions. This is the only way to guarantee that everyone can participate in a competition under the same conditions. This is only fair.

The result should not take center stage at all costs. Rather you should show your real skill level at a competition. This is also a requirement for the technical department of our organization – how to fairly evaluate the level of a player? One thing is for sure: for the same movement, the technical skill required for handling a sheet of 47 cm with 40 holes is higher than compared to handling the new short racquet with the “big soft sheet”.

Translated and summarized by Cheng Liqin from the original Chinese text by Shu Cao.






我们都是研究柔力球技术的,那么同样的动作,用不同拍面所显示的技术能力是不同的。咱们用15年的40孔拍面的47cm的老拍子,与现在的薄软的拍面的又轻又短的新拍做比较。甚至是有的人同样的动作,换了这种40孔原来47cm的拍子就做不出来了。大家信不信。   我又胡说一通,望大家广泛的聊一聊拍面的问题。能否无限制的软下去。考不考虑抛球的效果,考不考虑柔力球的技术含量?


Finally, here is a short video of Shu Cao:


Liqin Cheng
BailongBall Trainer

One thought on “Discours on the BailongBall Racket Sheet

  1. Peter Oettler says:

    Die Bewegungen aus der Ursprungszeit, in denen die Zentrifugalkräfte noch Bedeutung hatten, sollten weiterhin in ihrer Bedeutung erhalten werden.
    Damit Unterschied sich unser Sport bedeutend von Allem bisherigen. Der gesundheitliche Aspekt, die Überwindung von Bewegungs Einschränkungen war damit optimal vermittelbar.
    In der aktuellen Entwicklung ist vieles davon unberücksichtigt. Von den viel gepriesenen traditionellen Wurzeln scheint wenig übrig geblieben.
    Vom gesundheitlichen Aspekt ist “nur” die Bewegung per se geblieben.
    Es besteht die Gefahr, dass unser Sport zum Massenproduktion aus Fernost verkommen kann.
    Die Aktivitäten von Herrn Shu Cao sollte aus unseren europäischen Kreisen Unterstützung erhalten.

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